Grösse (geschlossen): Ca. 5.3 inches breit, 2.9 inches lang, 0.8 inches dick
Gewicht: Ca. 8 ounces
3D Screen: 3.53-inch widescreen LCD Displays; 800x240 Pixel (400 Pixel pro Auge)
Touch Screen: 3.02-inch LCD, 320x240 Pixel
Kameras: Eine Kamera auf der Innenseite und zwei (Stereo 640x480 Pixel) auf der Aussenseit
Nintendo 3DS Game Card: Max. 2 GB beim Launch.
Wireless Kommunikation:
Can communicate in the 2.4 GHz band. Multiple Nintendo 3DS systems can connect via a local wireless connection to let users communicate or enjoy competitive game play. Systems also can connect to LAN access points to access the Internet and allow people to enjoy games with others. Will support IEEE 802.11 with enhanced security (WPA/WPA2). Nintendo 3DS hardware is designed so that even when not in use, it can automatically exchange data with other Nintendo 3DS systems or receive data via the Internet while in sleep mode.
Touchscreen, Mikrofon, A/B/X/Y Buttons, + Steuerkreuz, L/R Buttons, Start/Home/Select Buttons, "Slide Pad", Bewegungssensor und ein Gyrosensor.
Other Input Controls:
3D Depth Slider to adjust level of 3D effect (can be scaled back or turned off completely depending on the preference of the user), Home button to call system function, Wireless switch to turn off wireless communications (even during game play), Power button. The telescoping stylus is approximately 4 inches when fully extended.
3DS Slot: Liest Nintendo DS(i) und 3DS Speicherkarten
SD Sot: Liest DS Speicherkarten
Audio: Stereo Lautsprecher auf der linken und rechten Seite des oberen Displays
Lithium ion battery details TBA.
Parental Controls:
Parental controls similar to the Nintendo DSi system will be included.